Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tweet, Tweet, Tweet Your Way to Tuesday Thinger.

It's Tuesday, time for Tuesday Thinger, from the desk of Wendi's Book Corner. Seems someone pointed out a new feature on LT.."a cool feature under author pages. Library Thing now has a Link box on the right hand side of Author pages where authors and LT users can add/update links. . . including Twitter!"

This Week's Questions: Have you checked out any of the links/tweets on some of the author pages for the books in your bookshelves? Have you added any links/twitter information yourself?

Well, yes I have! I have check this out, checking to see if some authors I am particularly fond of had a link to their web page or if they had a Twitter thingie, whatever a Twitter link is called. I have added links and twitter information for a bunch of authors.

But let me be honest, because if nothing else, I am honest with you all, my dear readers. Well, as honest as I need to be...
Anyhoo, to be honest, I have little interest in Twitter. I have tweeted on the rare occasion, I check it out from time to time, but for the life of me, I don't get the big attraction. I realize there are people, in fact some of my fellow bloggers, some of the people that may read this, that are very fond of the Twitter. And I am glad they enjoy it, but I don't really.
So, I don't really follow any authors on Twitter, Now, if I did, I think the Library Thing feature might be useful. So, you Twitter fans, check it out because certainly it was meant for you...not necessarily me. ;-)

Which raises a bigger issue, the 'following' of authors altogether.
I don't really do that either.
Now, I have a number of favorite authors, whose new books I read, but I don't really read their blogs or check out their websites. I might happen on to one, from a link that I stumble upon as I wander in BlogLand. Or, on the rare occasion, I might want to see when they have a book coming out and actually seek their web site out, but I don't make a habit of it. But if I am looking, that link feature on Library Thing may prove useful!
I guess I am a rotten fan. That is why I no longer read People magazine. Actually, when it comes to authors, or even actors, I don't want to know too much about them. I don't want to know about their personal lives, their likes and dislikes, what they think about this or that. For me it just interferes with my enjoyment of their art. What they want to tell me, they can say in their books.

Now if you were paying attention, I said at the beginning that I have added some links to web pages and twitter pages to some authors on Library Thing. Why, you may wonder, if I don't follow them? because I need a GOLD helper's badge on LT and I need to add a couple of hundred more pieces of info in order to move from silver to GOLD. Yes, I need the stinking badges...lol

Now, I might not follow author's web sites but I ALWAYS have time to check out Bandit's! I mean really, he is way cuter than most movie stars, let alone authors. It seems that it's lunch time! Pizza for everyone!


  1. Caite. . . all I can say is you just crack me up!

    Bandit - you are just a cutie patootie, probably the cutest out there! Hope you like your pizza!

  2. I flip through People when I see it somewhere like a waiting room in a doctor's office.

  3. i enjoyed my pizza. : ) what pup wouldn't?

  4. I love Twitter and seeing what authors have to say on there! I wish Bandit would come over and cook for me.

  5. Kaye, don't let Kathy hear you say that about Bandit. for some reason, she does not agree. ;-)

  6. I don't really get Twitter either ... though I do Twit from time to time. I find it helpful to enter contest actually! And sometimes I tell people about a new review ... but there seem to be people who are on there all day long talking to each other and I just cant' do that. Good luck getting your badge!


please speak up, I LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!!