Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hey! That's Sort of Cool!

I admit that I check out the NY Times bestsellers list. I like to see what is on there, see which I have read and might want to check out. But folks, let's be real. Dan Brown is locked into first place once again and we all know that I, along with a large number of readers, don't have the highest opinion of his work. So what if there was a site that melded together the NYT list and some big review site, say the star rating from Amazon. Certainly a lot of reviews there.
Well, someone has done it and the result is Reading Radar, a site created by self described "mashup posterboy" John Herren. It employs something called API, application programming interface, which I have absolutely no understanding of...but the result is cool.

By the way, you will see that Dan's book might be the #1 seller...but it only got two little stars.


  1. I love it! I'm going to check it out now.

  2. This could be very interesting. Thanks!

  3. kik. el pre-ordered that book(dan brown). DONT JUDGE HER, she doesn't really ever read so to have her pre-order something is a big step! i guess she will be sad because it only got 2 stars.

    i pre-order many books in italian by the way!

  4. I would not read Mr. Brown's book if I tripped over...not to judge

    to each their own.

    Bandit, you should do a review of some of these Italian books you claim to read.

  5. hmmmm. . . . I gave Lost Symbol 4 stars. I really liked it. Interesting concept--the rating thing. I'll have to check it out.

  6. That is sort of cool! I'm going to check it out more. Thanks!

  7. Cool! Thanks for linking to this- it looks like fun :-)

  8. He's not at the top of my priority either. I saw a few copies of the latest books for $3.


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