Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lazy Larry Sunday

As you can see, Larry has now appeared for much of the day, a big cat in his little bed, giving me the Stink Eye!


  1. Larry's coloring reminds me a lot of our "mad" cat, Xena. She actually was paranoid and according to the vet, mentally deranged at the end. She kept attacking me for no reason. Larry seems much more calm though. Even with the Stink Eye. LOL

  2. With the exception of two of the now six cats we are caring for, they all have bad cases of the stink eye. Freaking prima donnas! How dare I disturb their slumber to vacuum!

    1. lol...yes, especially when HE is the reason I need to vacuum so often now!

  3. Larry will be right at home before you know it!

  4. Very cute! And what an interesting looking bed!

  5. Hey that's like Izabel. She just walks around moving people, so she can sit where she wants, eat when she wants and control everything.

  6. {{what did I get myself into...?}} ;-)

  7. and I thought you just had dogs?? cute Larry cute

    1. Larry is a recent addition to Casa da Caite, saved form an untimely death. And he better remember it. Soon!

  8. Geez, it's just like looking at our late cat, Oreo. He was one disdainful cat!
    We loved him to pieces and it broke my heart when I saw him on the side of the road.

    Larry looks comfy and cozy though in his bed.

  9. He does seem to dominate that bed!! Glad he seems to be settling in.

  10. I cannot believe how much Larry looks like my old cat, Minnie! It is amazing!

  11. That's right, Larry - that's what Sundays are all about :)

  12. its take Jack almost 2 yrs living with us to get comfortable enough not to run when he is kissed/petted or spoken to outside of the kitchen .. in the kitchen you can even pick him up .. Jack is food motivated


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