
I present this for my own amusement, and I hope for yours...

Some book reviews, maybe some interesting things that I happen upon out there in the world wide web...and perhaps some things about the sea.
because I like the sea.
and books. ;-)

I live in the southern part of the State of New Jersey, a state with a fascinating and rich history, miles and miles of beautiful beaches but in the present day is often seen as just a suburb of NYC or Philly and a place for the shoebies (or shoobies) to invade every summer.

I am a mindless clog in a midsized utility company, making sure that the folks out there have natural gas flowing to their homes to keep them warm and cook their breakfasts. I work an odd, inhumane schedule that keeps me awake when most of the world is sleeping.

I have a special fondness for lighthouses and try to include the occasional post about one I have visited. They are beautiful structures, often in very beautiful places, with wonderful histories.