Monday, January 23, 2012

Musing Monday... 'Just the facts, ma'am...just the facts'

Another Monday morning, so let's head over and see what MizB at Should Be Reading is asking this week...

This week’s musing asks…
Why do you think that the Young Adult genre is so popular with even the adult readers? Do you read YA books, yourself?

I think the answer is simple. Some of them, maybe the ones that really succeed with youths and adults, are just really good stories. And bottom line, that is what we all want in a book isn't it, a really good story.

Maybe it is at least in part because usually YA books are too complex, not huge, heavy reads. Some adult fiction seems to get so serious, so full of itself, that it seems the author almost has forgotten this is suppose to be entertainment as well. Sure, maybe a book like that is what we want, but I think for most of us, for most of the time, we are looking for some to escape with, to relax with. And often a YA book can fill that need.
Even when they deal with more serious topics, maybe the young age of the characters makes the situation seem more hopeful. They are young, things can change, it will be alright..maybe.

Then there is the element of seeing a story unfold through young eyes, eyes that have not seen all this before, jaded eyes. I think that has the possibility of taking us back and letting us see those experiences in a fresh way once again, whatever the experiences may be, from first love to the alien invasion.

Do I read YA?
A bit. I tend to read the big hits, the ones everyone in BlogLand is talking about, like The Hunger Games when it first came out. A good, exciting story.
But I don't read then as much as some book bloggers.
Maybe because it is just hard to find a nice serial killer in most YA books for some reason. And you know I have a weakness for a nice serial killer.


  1. Me too Caite. I do read YA, but I get frustrated when it is dumbed down, or falls into the throng of the millions of dystopian trilogies out there. You could almost switch the titles and they would all seem the same. But there are great ones out there, and they appeal to everyone.

  2. I think you might have mentioned your penchant for serial killers before. Might have . . . Lol!

  3. everyone has one true love...mine is serial killers. Fictional ones though..

  4. I do not read YA, have no interest even to even trying to read one. There are too many books in the genres that I do enjoy that are on my "hopefully in my lifetime TBR list"

  5. Someone should begin a novel with your last sentence...."You know I have a weakness for a nice serial killer." :) I went to an author conference 2 weeks ago and we talked about Middle Grade and YA and the distinction between adult fiction. Several industry pros said that YA is very similar to adult fiction, but without the bad language. It made me wonder if that's how the publishing world is starting to separate the two areas.

  6. I, too, have a weakness for suspense and serial killers .. but there are some wonderful YA books out there .. and I dont mean Twilight series which I wanted to like, I do love fantasy and vampires and such but those books were just not 'all that' ..

  7. I think you're right - we all want a good story. I do read some YA, but generally avoid the paranormal books that are so popular now.

  8. I can see why serial killers would not be a big hit in YA. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your comment was what I was trying to say only clearer.

  9. I rarely read YA. I mainly read it if I get a review request but I don't go out of my way for it.

  10. I get sucked into the big YA books too … and often end up disappointed. But, as you said, a good story is a good story and it doesn't mean no YA is good.

  11. As I've been reading responses, I've noticed lots of people have said YA books are "light" content-wise. I'm not entirely sure that's true in many of the coming of age stories I love best.

  12. Like Bermudaonion, I don't read paranormal, or alien, or sci/fi. The Hunger Games definitely would not appeal to me. I'm not much for reading about what happens in the future, except maybe "Back to the Future" with Michael Fox. Oh! but that was a movie!

  13. I don't mind a serial killer now and again. Not a fan of science fiction. I need to read more, that has definitely taken a big back seat lately. I'd read YA or anything that matter if the story was appealing.

  14. I like the YA books..they are fun to talk about the books boys loved The Hunger husband read it ..I had zero interest!


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