Monday, November 26, 2012

Musing Monday...Harry Who?

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving weekend, but back to the work week now!

Let's start by checking out this week's Musing Monday, as always from the desk of MizB at Should Be Reading....

There are a lot of books being made into movies, these days (“Anna Karenina“; etc). So, this week’s musing — courtesy of — asks… Have you ever read a book after watching the movie/television version only to find that you don’t like the book as much as the adaptation?

I am not sure if my mind is not working too well this morning or what, but try as I might to muse, I can not come up with a time I read a book after seeing the movie based on it.
The other the book, saw the movie, yes.

And that usually, but not always, works out badly for the movie.
Books can just contain so much more than a movie. What is the average length of a book if read aloud? 10..15...20 hours? It is really hard to recreate the character development, the plot twists of a book that long in a 1 1/2 or 2 hour movie.
But the movie being better than the book? Hard to believe.

 Maybe it is because I do not go to a lot of movies these days. Not sure why, because I like movies, especially seeing them in a theater. But I am on a sort of move drought.
And I am rarely a fan of the big blockbusters, often the sort based on a book. I have never seen or read the Twilight series. I have not read or seen the Harry Potter series.

Oh now, stop the exclamations of disbelief!
Stop shaking your head!
OK, actually I read the first Harry book and saw the first Harry movie and was not really taken with either. I just do not get the attraction.
{{Oh now I got them really upset.. }}

I know I may very well be in the minority with that opinion..but what can I


  1. In my memory, I can only recall once when I saw the movie first, and that is The Time Traveler's Wife. And while I love my Eric Bana, no movie would ever be able to come close to that book. But this discussion has been around forever...if the movie was ever better than the book. I need to make that a thinking project sometime, and write down the answers to I can remember!

    1. didn't read it...didn't see it..
      The Godfather is one book that is always suggested but since I did not read the book, I can't say.

  2. Great answers. Like I have not seen the Harry Potter or Twilight movies. I did read 2 of the Harry Potter books but with the third I DNF. I don't do many movies either. Thanks for visiting.

  3. I'm the same way. I would much rather create my own imagery. Have a fantastic week.

  4. I've seen the movie first on quite a few occasions and the book is still generally better. The one time that stand out for me when the movie was better than the book is Forrest Gump.

    1. i did not read the book, so I a not sure about that one...great movie though.

  5. I'm in your club, I have never read or watched the movies of "Harry" or "Twilight." I just cannot understand what people see is so wonderful about witches, bitches, wizards, and werewolves. I agree with you, I always read the books first.

  6. I have had only a couple of books where I liked the movie better. I am one that likes to watch then read. Reading then watching just sets me up for disappointment! I read I am Legend then saw the movie the next day. I was so mad because it was so different I told myself as long as I could help it, I wouldn't do it that way again! Here is my Musing!

    Vyki @ On The Shelf

    1. i think your order is correct. see the movie, the lesser version then read the boook, the FULL version of the story.

  7. i loved the first book and the first movie was fun .. after that I lost interest

  8. I can't think of any books with a movie tie in I've read after seeing the movie.

  9. I suppose I shall have to overlook the Harry issue as I've already decided I like you. One movie (actully movies) that I think exceeded the books was the Lord of the Rings movies. Perhaps that is as blasphemous as your Harry comment but I stand by it.

    1. I am relieved...
      as to LoTR, you may have a point. But actually the book and the movie are so different..the book IS SO MUCH MORE..that it is like comparing apples and oranges and I like both.

  10. I think what happens is if you connected with the characters in the Movie, that were displayed visually for you, when you read the book you need to clear those images from your mind and use your visuals in your head to enjoy the book. Instead of comparing. Does that make sense?

  11. I can kind of understand why you're not into Harry Potter, since you only read the first book, because they are much better from book 3 onwards :)


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