Hey kids, let's wander over to Should Be Reading and check out what MIzB has for us to think about his week.
This week’s musing asks…
If you’re a mood reader, what (genre) do your moods usually call you to read?
I smell the blood of an Englishman,
Be he alive, or be he dead
I'll grind his bones to make my bread.
A little gruesome, but don't be scared. It's only make believe.
No secret that my go-to, all-the-time favorite genre is mysteries.
Day, night..or in my case...middle of the night, I always love a mystery.
No, I am not really a moody reader, except that I am almost always in the mood for a few dead bodies, the police knocking at the door and a killer lurking in the shadows..or behind a mask in plain sight. Yep, them I am a happy camper.
Except when I'm not.

Sometimes I even go in search a bit of non-fiction, although I will admit that it unusual for me. I haven't gone back and done a count, but I think it would be a handful of books in a year. Even then, it really has to be about a subject that really interests me. Not memoirs, which about 95% of the time seem very self indulgent to me. Not history. I am sorry, but most of it just bores me, unless maybe it it is about a place I have some connection to. Not science, which brings back unhappy high school lab class memories. That poor fetal pig..and that frog! Finance...psychology...biography...bleh. You can see my problem.
I must admit, I feel a little guilty about my minimal non-fiction reading. It seems like a good thing to do, mind enhancing, resulting in personal growth and such...but I don't care. For me reading is not really about education. I think I know enough. My brain is almost full. No reading is about pleasure. Reading is about escape.
The fact that the place I like to escape to is full of murder and death and killers..well, that is another story.
WOW.. I like warm and cozy. I agree with you, my reading is for pleasure and entertainment.
ReplyDeleteAs you know I love mysteries. It used to be that it was the ONLY thing I read. Now I am a little more diverse. So I have to ask...do you read the non-fiction of mysteries...true crime? Now THAT is my all time favorite genre. Amazing, amazing stuff out there in this category. This is the stuff that gives me nightmares.
ReplyDeleteYou and I are soul sisters under the skin. Mysteries are my ultimate go-to books. Just a nice murder is what I need at times.
ReplyDeleteI finished a book last night and told my husband that I was so sad about the storyline. He asked if I had read another "dead baby" book (what he calls most literary fiction). I said that I guessed so. He said that I better go pick up one of my mysteries so I could read about a nice murder or serial killer. LOL
Is there something wrong with that you think? By the way, Bambi isn't that bad and so cute. You are missing Thumper and Flower. :-)
I hear ya, Tootsie! Mysteries are definitely the first choice for me. Non fiction is a no go. I like historical fiction yet I don't read it all that often. Bambi is a tear jerker and so is Old Yella (er) I couldn't watch that movie again for anything. These days it's all about pleasure reading. At my age when I learn something, I usually forget it soon after anyway. Have a good week!
ReplyDeleteno, no Old Yeller for me either!
ReplyDelete"dead baby" book (what he calls most literary fiction)...I LOVE THAT...lol
I will admit that I have tried to mix some non-mysteries in. there are some good books out there that are not mysteries. but honestly, I could be happy forever with my favs.
Sandy..true crime...no, oddly enough I have never read it. maybe I don't want it that read.
I occasionally like a good mystery..but I would prefer it to have some kind of paranormal elemet to it. I am a mood reader. Check out my answer for this week's Musing on Monday.
ReplyDeleteI sobbed like a moron when I saw Bambi for the first time.
ReplyDeleteI also really enjoy mysteries, they make for a wonderful escape.
Here's mine:
Day 18 – A book that disappointed you
I pretty much only read mysteries and litfic... like you, I'm not a non-fiction fan.
ReplyDeleteI don't consider myself a moody reader either, but there are some books I have to be in the right mood to read. I think I just contradicted myself.
ReplyDeleteI, too, turn to mystery/suspense. To become part of the story, the thrill of it whereas in real life, I would run and hide lol.
ReplyDeleteyes Kathy...but I totally understand!
ReplyDeletei like biographies. i also liked reading freakonomics and the tipping point.
ReplyDeletethey are enriching ;)
I love mysteries. I am a moody reader, though, and love my cozies and romances for those times.
ReplyDeleteI'm very moody...I have to mix it up or I get bored. Be sure to check out my soon to come as soon as I get around to writing it post on three reasons to read non-fiction!