Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Just to Let You Know..

Just to let my regular readers know that I am not disappearing off the face of the earth.

I am taking a little..or maybe a BIG... break from Blogland.
A few personal issues that have sort of left me without the heart or desire to post at the moment.

My thanks to all of you...your involvement and comments have meant the world to me.
See ya on the flip side!


  1. Hope to see you back when you are ready.

  2. WEE CAITE! Blogging breaks I get. I really do. But you've really got me scared and concerned. I hope everything is OK with you. Please e-mail me if you need my shoulder.

  3. I've enjoyed your blog for a long time, but completely understand that sometimes we need to back off. I wish you the best and hope to see you here again.

  4. Hope everything turns out ok for you.

  5. Hope everything works out for you. Please take care.

  6. Yes, me too, hoping everything turns out okay!!! I will miss you till you return!

  7. hope whatever it is, it turns out okay .. hugs

  8. We'll miss you but sure do understand the need to take breaks. I pray you're not too badly 'beat-up' and will return to us in the not-too-distant future.

  9. Take care Caite; I hope things work put okay for

  10. Caite, good luck with whatever you're dealing with. Hope you feel up to blogging again soon. Kia kaha

  11. Caite, I hope you are OK. I will be here when you are up to blogging again. Take Care!

  12. We will all miss your wit, humor and bookish insight not to mention your fabulous photos. Whatever it is, I hope it is resolved soon. I'm very concerned for you. {{{hugs}}}

  13. Take care, Caite ---- I hope things are better for you soon. :)

  14. I was especially looking forward to your response to this week's Musing. I will wait for your return, though. Fare thee well!

  15. I hope all is well with you. You and your blog will be missed.

  16. Sometimes you definitely need a long break. Hopefully everything works out for you and we will see you back someday soon :)

  17. Sending along hugs and prayers! We will all be here waiting for you when you return!

  18. Hi Catie,
    Just stopping by to say hello. Hoping you're well.. hang in there! xo

  19. Caite..just stopping by to say hello.. I hope all is well and you had a happy Christmas..

    Wishing you all the best in 2014 and a Happy Healthy New Years!

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