Monday, January 14, 2013

Musing Monday..Just Say NO!

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week… 
 • Describe one of your reading habits. 
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s). 
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.

So, here we are again, discussing the books I bought this week.
We should NOT be doing that.
Like many of you, I have no need to buy any books.
I have many..hundreds..unread and on hand. And if I want another specific book, there is the local public library, which I am already paying for with my inflated property taxes.
And yet I bought four books this weeks.

I blame the Evil R-Reader again.
And my total lack of self control.

See, long ago, I bought a used copy of Donna Leon's first book in the Commissario Guido Brunetti mystery series, Death at La Fenice. I had read great things about this series but never went any further that buying that first book. But this week I picked it up by accident.
I thought it was my copy of The Lost Art of Mixing by Erica Bauermeister, that I meant to be reading. They have very similar colored covers. Well, the seemed close as I was rushing out the door on the way to work.

So I read it.
I liked it a lot, I must admit in no small part because I love Venice and it is set in Venice.
So when I finished it, I went online (darn Evil E-Reader...) and bought the second in the series.
OK, I did not like it nearly as much as the first. A rather cynical, angry I had to buy the third to see if it was a fluke.
And I read it.
And then I bought the fourth just to be sure.
And I read it.
Four Leons this week, bought and read.
And then I bought the fifth so I would have one, still unread, on my Evil E-Reader to take on vacation next week.

Maybe I need just one more to take along.
Or maybe not.
Because, you know, I only have about 30 or 40 books unread on my Evil E-Reader.
And, of course, that still unread copy of The Lost Art of Mixing to start.


  1. It's so so easy to buy on the Kindle - I know your pain lol
    Here's what I'm reading this week:

  2. I know what you mean about the Evil E-Reader. I love how I can now pre-order books by my favorite authors on my Evil E-Readers. Oh what fun just to buy books from my easy chair...

  3. My Kindle is to blame for my buying It's so easy! And then when I visit blogs and see books there that I'm drooling over, I'm lost!


  4. Maybe it's a good thing I don't mess with my eReaders!

  5. it totally feeds the compulsive side of the personality, doesn't it? Immediate gratification, emotional shopping, whatever you want to call it. It is evil but in a wonderful kind of way.

    1. Immediate gratification has a price. About $9 each in

  6. I am surprised no one has noted that you said you were going on vacation next week! Again? Really??

    1. Yes, I am a bit surprised as well. But since you nor anyone else asked about it, I am not saying. :-)

  7. Not fair if you want to know where I am going!

  8. Now I am thinking that perhaps you shouldn't have gotten an e-reader!

  9. i managed to scan the NYT book review section and didnt find a single book i 'have' to read .. hooray me!

  10. Reading this post, I was going to ask about your vacation. But now I'll just be patient and wait for the reveal! Happy travels! And I know it's too easy to get e-books.

  11. Have fun wherever you're going! We expect to see photos!!


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