Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday...Ancient Ruins at Ephesus

The Library of Celsus

Swoosh..the Goddess Nike

...as always, for more Wordless Wednesday, check these out.


  1. Is it just me, or don't you wish that your life would become a fictional tale and you would be swept back to the day where these structures were actually being used? I have these fantasies all the time in ruins, castles and such. Of course, I'd probably then be captured and hung for having a bitchy look on my face but there you go.

  2. Sandy, I always appreciate your unique take..lol

    and the answer is yes.

  3. WOW.. Those are AMAZING. I've read about some to them, but to see them up close and personal, what a thrill.

  4. it was...thrilling. hot and thrilling.

  5. It's amazing how intact some pieces are. Great photos, as always.

  6. Must be wonderful to have the skill with a chisel to animate stone.

  7. Amazing art work.

    I played too. Mine are here and here.

  8. Great photos - what a thrill!! Thanks for your visit.

  9. So beautiful! It's so strange to see modern people among the ruins, like we shouldn't be able to touch them or something.

  10. Hi Caite,

    This is a fantastic series of shots, telling a story all their own.

    I some ways it is obviously good that we are allowed to get up close and personal with some of these ancient icons, but it also seems a shame that regardless of how careful we are our mere presence is a contributing factor to their erosion and decay.

    A dilemma, but nonetheless beautiful!!


  11. I just love wandering through ancient ruins. You have captured the detail beautifully.

  12. What? I can't believe they have not repaired the ruins yet.

  13. When will I be there?!!!!
    Thanks for these sights.

  14. Great series as always. I love the library shot.

  15. Your close up shots are fantastic! It's amazing those friezes have stood up so well against the elements. When you retire, Caite, you could easily become a travel photographer.

  16. amazing! these could all be postcards. And I should mention, I've started to try to sell my husband on an eastern med cruise ;-)

  17. Maybe you have not my fish composition, but I have almost the same pictures as you from Ephesus ! Was there in 2008 !

  18. I love this tour you've been taking us on. Beautiful photos.

  19. you have been to the most spectacular places Caite -- just awesome.

  20. Lovely photos. I so enjoy following your travels and would certainly love to visit some of these places. I particularly like the swoosh goddess. HA! HA!

  21. Those are incredible images you've captured. They make me wonder what it was like to live in that day and age...
    Happy WW!

  22. Incredible shots! So very beautiful!

  23. All of these shots are an exquisite window to a world from long ago... but that last one? Holy wow, Caite. That one is just mind-blowing.


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