Some of you may have been surprised that he was still alive. He had not published anything in many, many years, was rarely seen in public and had become quite the recluse. And, if any number of the stories about his personal life are true, was a rather strange man. A man that wanted his publisher to remove his photograph from the book jacket of his very famous novel because he was sick of looking at himself. A writer who had not published anything since 1965, having told a reporter once that "There is a marvelous peace in not publishing. Publishing is a terrible invasion of my privacy. I love to write for myself and my own pleasure." Still, I think fans can be forgiven for almost being overcome with the thought that the rumor that he has been writing all these years and has stacks of unpublished material that his estate may someday now let see the light of day may, in fact, be true.

"For all that "The Catcher in the Rye" made him famous, "Franny and Zooey" is Salinger's masterpiece, an evocation of loss and longing within the bonds of family. Composed of two novellas, it introduces the youngest members of the Glass family, about whom Salinger would devote more than half of his published work.If you aspire to be a serial killer, of course, you must have your copy of 'Catcher in the Rye' on hand, but I think if you really want to understand Salinger and read his best work, get your hands on a copy of 'Franny and Zooey'. If you have never read it, I think you have a great pleasure ahead of you.
The Glasses are a New York creation, theatrical but also intellectual, middle class but bohemian at the same time. They talk and fight like immigrants, but they pursue esoteric pursuits, most notably Eastern philosophy and Buddhism, like members of the leisured elite.
In a sense, this was reflective of Salinger's experience; growing up on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the son of a Scotch-Irish mother and a wealthy Jewish father, he had a foot in several worlds. Yet more to the point, the Glasses offered Salinger a wide lens through which to look at the intersection of mystical and secular culture, at the satisfactions of the spirit and of the flesh."
I love all the Glass family stuff too. Franny and Zooey was my favorite, and to be honest I didn't much care for The Catcher in the Rye.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like I've been missing out on a lot. I'll have you know that I've put the librarians to work here in my little small town library--importing books from other libraries, some far away, in part to your blog. =)
ReplyDeleteMichele at Reader's Respite is doing a read-along for all those aspiring serial murderers! So I tried to get a copy on my Kindle or at the library, and it was not happening. Kindle doesn't sell it, and there are umpteen holds on the books. Believe it or not, I've not read anything from Salinger. I was educated by apes.
ReplyDeleteby apes...lol I don't think so Sandy...lol
ReplyDeleteI think everyone should read Catcher just because it is just a part of 20th century culture. But it was certainly not my favorite Salinger. And from what I have read, young people do not identify with Holden today as kids in my age, the distant, distant past, did.
I personally think the other stuff, especially the Glass family stuff, is more timeless. Not to mention better.
Hey, the good news of Salinger is that you can read everything he wrote in just a few days or a week or so!
As you were, I was so saddened to hear the news of his death. I just love Catcher. And Nine Stories is still probably my favorite collection of short stories ever.
ReplyDeleteA wonderful tribute you have written here.
I was shocked when I heard of his death. Catcher is in my top three books of all times, and I can't even begin to express how much I love it.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, I know it sounds stupid, but after reading Catcher, I haven't picked up another Salinger as I don't believe it could match Catcher at any level, and I couldn't bear that kind of disappointment. I might change that soon though... Franny & Zooey seems to be the next obvious step.