Seems that I only make it here on Tuesday recently. But for anyone...is there anyone...searching for my insightful and amusing posts and reviews, I promise to be back in the swing of things shortly. I was keeping Christmas..is is a twelve day feast you know...The Twelve Days of Christmas song and all...and is now just over with the feast of the Epiphany and I just now unplugged my Christmas lights. The Niece and her puppy, the world's cutest doggie, have jetted back to college. So, I am running out of distractions. Except that I have a cold and my brain is filled with oatmeal, or so it seems.

Did you know that there are 1497 authors participating in LT Authors? If you haven't checked it out, head over for a moment and see if you can find out something new about an author! If you don't have time to go snooping, have you ever looked at the LT Author page before? Did you know that it is for authors and readers alike? Have you ever looked up a favorite or new author on LT to see what they read and if they have left any comments or reviews themselves? Have you ever told an author about LT Authors and encouraged them to check the site out?
Authors...golly, I admire authors. They are my rock stars, my movie idols. I have looked at the LT Authors page before, I think first finding it after noticing some mention of it connected to a new book that I had entered. Or something. OH, the oatmeal is starting to fill my brain...must hurry...getting foggy..
Ok, so one point about the LT Authors. If you look at the list, you will see many with a very small library entered on LT. Some, only their own books. Sorry folks, but I don't approve! I assume you are there to try and increase your visibility and readership. Well, if you want me to look at what you have written, you need to entice me...with an interesting library. Otherwise, as a member of Library Thing, I just feel used.
I am fascinated with people with huge, interesting libraries, so Robert Shearman, with your 11,812 books, you have my attention. Or Ellen Moody, with your 8,825 books, who is the author of 'Trollope on the Net', I admire your library and see that we share 66 books. I did wonder why you are not a member of the trollops for Trollops group. Oh no, it seems the group has been deleted! My, Library Thing is always changing...
I know what you mean about the authors who don't enter their libraries...but yet, I wish more authors would join LT even if just to put their info on. Especially authors without websites! I see LT as having two facets--the reader side, and the author side. If authors participate in both, all the better.
ReplyDeleteYou're right - only having your own book in your library is pretty tacky. Bandit Jack is pretty darn cute.
ReplyDeletelink back to me silly girl! you never do!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry Bandit...I forgot...lol
ReplyDeleteHappy to hear that your surgery went well...even if you are no longer quite the 'man' you once were.
you might not find that amusing... ;-)
I also noticed that a few authors only appeared to have their book listed, and I ignored them! :) It is much more interesting to see what books an author is/has read, or what books you have in common!
ReplyDeleteThanks for participating in Tuesday Thingers this week!
Have a wonderful week ~ Wendi
Oh, dear God, it's up to 11,813 now...
ReplyDeleteWriting books is easy. Finding *space* for books is hard!
Thank you so much for noticing my huge frankly-far-too-big library, and making me feel it isn't shameful!
shameful? it is an inspiration! lol
ReplyDeleteHa! That's the way I try to look at it too! But when you see the shelves actually *groaning* under the weight of so many books... and when you know mathematically that even if you read a book a day, you'll never get through them all in your lifetime... that's when the inability to resist popping into each and every second hand bookshop begins to look unhealthily compulsive...!
ReplyDeleteWhat's your name on librarything? I'm intrigued to see your own collection now!
I have said it before, but being true, I will say it again....books, buying books, possessing books, needing books...is an addiction. but as addictions go, it is a great one!
ReplyDeleteunless your floors collapse.
my LT name is caitemaire. but my relatively modest library pales in comparision.