Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lazy Larry Sunday...The Shedding Edition

"Oh Larry, come over here my sweet Lazy Larry! Come here!! 
Look, the doggie likes it!"


  1. I would love to do that to my cats. I have one that might go for it, but the rest really hate that vacuum. I loved that video! I showed it to my whole family.

    1. I really, really think Larry would not be happy. No, not happy.

  2. Milou used to like it when I'd vacuum her, but she doesn't anymore.

  3. That's a riot! Fun treat for us to watch too!

  4. This is one thing I don't miss...dogs that shed! The grooming gets to be a bit expensive, but at least we don't have the hair!

    LOVE your video!!! It's terrific that the dog doesn't mind it! My cats would have run for the hills!!

  5. shoot, my cats see the vacuum cleaner and it turns into a cartoon like scene with only clouds of dust visible. That picture about sums up what my cats would probably be thinking. lol.

  6. neither of our cats likes the sound of our Miele ... and its quiet!


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