Wow, I have been gone so long I forgot how to create a post.
Almost a year exactly.
Really...What is my sign on?
Just dipping my toe in, posting a few pics from a recent trip to Co. Cork, Ireland where I, the Bro and Sil and the Niece and her Hubbie attended the wedding of my cousin Katherine's Son, Donogh a few weeks ago.
Assuming I can remember how to post a photo...oh
The Cliffs of Moher |
Adare Manor, where we stayed two nights..very, very GRAND! |
Gardens at Longueville House, where the wedding was held |
Sheep on Longueville's lawn. |
The wedding couple, Claire and Donogh. |
Paul, are you reading this? LOL
...and as always, for more Wordless Wednesday,
check these out.