
Monday, April 2, 2012

Musing Monday...What Happens in Book Club, Stays in Book Club

Wow, these weeks go by so fast... let's check out this week's Musing from Miz B at  at Should Be Reading.

This week’s musing asks…
Do you belong to any book clubs — face-to-face, or online? If so, how long have you been with the group(s)? If not, why?

My book club meets in the basement of a bar and we like to keep things sort of secret. It was started by two fellers, one an insomniac and the other a soap maker. What kind of job is that, a soapmaker? Anyway, then the two of them got involved with this trashy woman, and boy, did Book Club suffer. Then an apartment got blown up by some folks from Project Mayhem and then Brad Pitt tried to shoot himself..but I can't really say anymore because what happens in book club, stays in book club.

Oh no..wait.
That was Fight Club!
Never mind.

As to book clubs, no, I do not now, nor have I ever belonged to a book club.
Neither in person nor online.

Well, as to why not in person, I blame my region. I think I an surrounded by the un-read, a symptom of which is our total lack of bookstores. And the fact that when I go to the library everyone seems to be there just to use the computer to surf the internet.
I suspect for porn.
And there is my schedule. Because of the way it rotates, days to nights, over a four week reoccurring pattern, I think that half the time I would not be available anyway.
And I have to spend my free time bonding with Larry, my real, non-imaginary cat.
I am very good at making up excuses.

As to why not an online book club, well, I will have to think of another excuse for that. ;-)
Actually, I suspect it because I have always though of reading as a very singular, private thing. Just me and the imaginary world of my latest book. I don't really want to talk about my book experience, which granted, may be an issue for a bookish blogger. And may explain why I have such trouble getting those book reviews written. Combine it with my World Class Procrastination and the fact that I would now have one more excuse to put  off writing reviews if I had book club meetings and book club books to read...well, you see the problem.

Then, there is the fact that I can be quite opinionated. If I was in a book club, and really felt strongly about a book, I would probably get very argumentative and loud. Tasty hors d'oeuvres would get thrown and thirst quenching beverages would be spilled. Next thing you know, it would come to fisticuffs and I would end up in jail and I think I would do really, really badly in jail.
Wait! Maybe it is Fight Club after all!


  1. Damn, those are all my excuses .. tho I did once set up a book swap blog .. lots of page views very few comments .. wait that's like my other blog ..I like reading because it is a solitary pastime .. occasionally I recommend a book to a friend but we never discuss it .. I guess it is like Fight Club

    terrific post ... lousy Word Verification

    1. hey, trying out this new reply to comment thing Blogger FINALLY has.
      Daryl, I think that is my REAL reason. Reading for me is a solitary pastime too and I am not sure how much I really want to share. and yes, the whole review thing is a bit of a problem

  2. Ha that was a great post. I love the fight club reference, I would probably be the quiet one just watching and observing. Blook clubs are just not for me. I need to come up with some excuses as well hehe. Here's my Musing
    Cathy @ Addicted to Books

  3. You crack me up! I do belong to a book club and enjoy it but, to be honest, some months there's very little book talk.

  4. I just love stopping by on Mondays. I know it will always make for interesting reading and opinions and a few laughs. Thanks for starting off my week with a chuckle.

  5. I've never seen Fight Club (I know I'm probably the only person on the planet who hasn't) so I was so confused by the beginning of your post. lol. Great answer. My Musing Mondays Post

  6. Caite, thanks for visiting my blog today! I feel if we were in a book club together we would be tag teaming in the hors d'oeuvre throwing or going head to head in an argument as I too can be VERY opinionated lol! Great post, you've totally made me a follower today :)

    1. I'll bring the deviled eggs..great for throwing!

  7. Love your answer. Similar to mine but much more fleshed out.

  8. Let's start a real Book Fight Club … maybe Larry and Romeo can fight it out when we disagree about a book.

    1. but we will not be meeting in a basement! and there must be snacks!

  9. I consider your blog and commenters a sort of book club :)

  10. Some of my book group's liveliest discussions are when not everyone agrees on the book! I love sharing books with friends, and over the years my book group have become friends. Your schedule would be tough to work around! Yikes! I don't think I could keep track of who I am on a rotating schedule.

  11. LOL Fight Club! Gotta love that movie hahaha
    I totally live in Un-read Land too. Borders closing was like the apocalypse for me, since it was the only bookstore on the whole freaking island. I also don't share much in online book clubs :)
    Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week.

  12. Funny answers! We don't have a bookstore in our small town, either, although There are a couple of thrift stores where I can occasionally pick up decent reads for 50c or less. Some of my friends do read, but usually we want to talk about other things when we get together. Maybe I'll join an online book club some time, then when I fail to keep up I don't have to look the others in the face.

  13. Love your answers. I have so many books to read, and to think I would have to read a book that someone else picked, and maybe I wouldn't like the genre, no book clubs are not for me.

  14. I agree that reading is a singular thing. I like to read what I want when I want, and a book club can disruptive. Fight clubs, I hear, are also disruptive. I think I'll avoid those as well.

  15. Great post and I so agree with everything you said!


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