
Monday, March 12, 2012

Musing Monday..."Won't You Let Me Take You on a Sea Cruise..."

Yep, it is Monday! You can smell it in the air! Let's see what  MizB at Should Be Reading is asking this week on Musing Monday...

This week’s musing asks…

What book do you wish you were reading right now? Where would you take it to, if you could go anywhere to read for a while?

I am rather later here today.
And not around much this week.
I was having a bit of a sleep in, since I have been sick all week with a cold/upper respiratory thing.
No, it did not stop me from going to the Flower Show Friday and Saturday, photos you will no doubt be seeing something of in the coming weeks. Maybe one or two, or a dozen, of the 259 I took. Being sick is one thing, but this was the Flower Show!

But today is Monday and let me say, in answer to today's question, that the Flower Show is NOT a place I would go to read. They do keep it nice and cool, for the flowers, but a really comfy chair is almost impossible to to find and the crowds..well, the crowds are huge and noisy.

I will pick the book I am actually reading. At the moment, I am reading "Shore Excursion" by Marie Moore.
From the publisher's description...
"Travel agents are a vanishing breed, but Sidney Marsh, a New York transplant from Mississippi, is holding her ground--at least on land. She is the tour leader on a cruise through Scandinavia for a group of eccentric senior citizens who call themselves the High Steppers. Sidney expects her days to be filled with long meals, shopping expeditions and visits to museums, churches and fjords. But this cruise is anything but routine. There is a killer on board..."
It is a fun little murder mystery and what better place to read a book that is set on a cruise ship would be...a cruise ship!
My ideal would be one that starts here..Liberty Park in NJ would be perfect...goes tran-Atlantic and then goes someplace nice for another week or two. South, into the Med or north, checking out some fiords and such, either would be grand. I would like to have the same cabin I had on my last cruise. I will get up whenever I wish, grab a comfy chair, on the desk if it is nice or up in the Crows Nest if there is a chill, a hot beverage by my side, an endless view and a good book. My only decision will be in what restaurant to have dinner and whether to go to the show or not.
And of course, when I finish this book, there is that nice library just waiting, not to mention my ever more crowded Nook.

Wow, I seem to me having an issue posting this today, screwing up things left and right, so I will leave you with a fitting cruising song...

..just wait for the 20 second intro to play
and you will be awarded with Mickey Mouse!


  1. I would not mind reading on a cruise either. I was getting ready to schedule one when I came up with a health problem. My doctor says it is a speed bump not a road block and I keep telling myself that but no cruises or traveling for awhile so my back yard will have to do.

  2. Woo Wee Baby....Loved that video, haven't heard or thought of that song in way to many years.

  3. Hope you get well soon!
    Cruise sounds like a good idea, however, I found there is so much to do that I didn't get much reading done when we went. Have a great week!

  4. I'd be reading a Sophie Kinsella book on a warm beach with white sand.

  5. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane with Frankie. I used to love this song!! Has a good beat and easy to dance to. I give it a ten!

    Your murder mystery sounds good. Hope you're feeling better by now.

  6. Hey! I know you from Weekend Cooking - LOL! The cruise is a PERFECT idea...wish I had thought of it ;)

  7. Caite, I hope you feel better, and I'm glad you're enjoying Marie's book.

  8. That does sound like a fun mystery! I'll have to check it out.

  9. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Murder mysteries are something I love, as you know. Hmmmm... wonder if there's a murder mystery set at a flower show.

  10. But wait … you don't read on vacation if I recall correctly!


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