
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bandit Tuesday.."Leaving on a Jet Plane..."... Not!

Poor Bandit. It seems that several of His People are leaving for a week in a tropical destination, but Bandit will not be going. And neither am I Bandit, so it will be just you and me next week!


  1. Our dog always knows when something is up and we're heading out. You and Bandit are going to have so much fun next week!

  2. I expect lots of Bandit pictures next week! My cats freak out when our suitcases come out. A couple of them get in the suitcases and refuse to get out. The others pace the house, I'm thinking to pick exactly where they are going to pee out of vengeance once we are gone.

  3. we will have a fun filled week. except i might miss my mom a little..

  4. you are right, Kathy. these furry creatures know what is going on.

    Awww...Sandy, how many cats do you have?

    you are a big boy will be OK.

  5. awww, poor bandit! I'm sure you'll have a fun time together. I'm dog sitting next week :)

  6. I'm sure Bandit will be very very spoiled by his Auntie Caite. Glad you can stock up on more Bandit photos while he visits.

  7. good thing Bandit has such an adoring aunt to take him in. Tater tots and alcohol on the menu?


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