
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...Santa!

Well, we all know that Thursday, Thanksgiving, the real Santa will be in NYC, in the Macy's Parade. Then he will be off to the North Pole to get to work with the elves, making toys. But where does he spend his summers? Well, I know! Because I saw him there, in North Pole Alaska!

...for more Wordless Wednesday, check these out.


  1. He really looks like Santa :)

    I played as well ->

  2. I read that Santa's workshop has been shut down in the North Pole this year because one of his helpers was found to be a ped-o-phile. One bad apple spoiled the entire pie, and consequently kiddies won't be getting letters to Santa answered. They ought to drag the guy from the roof tops...ruining x-mas that way.

  3. What did you wish for from Santa? :)

  4. I love Santa. He is very generous around here!

  5. Joanne, that is because He Is Santa!

    Sukhmandir Kaur, actually what happen is that the USPS said they were going to stop the Santa mail program at North Pole but have since resumed it. The incident of finding an 'elf' who was a registered sex offender was in Maryland, as this AP quote explains..
    "The North Pole program was stymied by a tighter process put in place nationwide by the Postal Service after a postal worker in Maryland recognized a volunteer with the agency's Operation Santa program as a registered sex offender."
    But all is ok at North Pole now from what I read

    BK, I asked for as many books as he can fit in his

    Sandy, I can't complain either. He is a find fellow and I old him so when I saw him there.

  6. You are so lucky to have seen the real Santa!

  7. Santa's in town better watch out.=:-) Happy WW

  8. How cool. I'm not sure if my daughter still believes in Santa or not.

  9. Santa looks wonderful & ready to go. I hope the weather here clears up for his ride to Macy's in Herald Square tomorrow.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Caite!

  10. BethF, I understand you concern, but it is a fact he arrives tomorrow, Thanksgiving...and he was in Alaska this summer!

    Kathy, yes, I was very lucky!

    cafe au lait, books! can't go wrong with books! ;-)

    Auntie, I am always good!

    marice, he is here!

    carol, she should. I do!

    Amy, yes, not sure the weather will be good. He loves the macy's parade...he told me.


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