
Monday, January 7, 2013

Musing Monday...Same Old, Same Old

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…
• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.

Wasn't it just last week I was complaining about e-readers..and yet here is my e-reader, once again, at the heart of my current reading. I was reading a book on the Nook app of my -Pad, here at work in the middle of the night. And I was enjoying it. The book was Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walters...very good book, hopefully one I will write a review of in the near future. Don't hold your breath though. A week into the new year and I am already 3 or 4 books behind in my reviews..

Anyhoo, things were slow and before I knew it, I had finished the book.
What to do?!
I guess I could have sat down and written the review.
And yes, I also had several...many...unread books on the Nook, anyone of which I could have started. But I made the mistake of taking a few minutes to check out my Zite app...LOVE that app...and one of the topics I have 'liked' on there is Maine. Look at that, and article about a mystery, a good sounding mystery, set in Orchard Beach, Maine.
As I am sure  many regular readers here in CaiteLand know, I am a sucker for a good mystery and I am a sucker for books set in Maine. Put them together and I am reaching for my credit card
In a few minutes..and a handful of dollars was mine, due to those evil e-books.
It is just too easy!
It's called Strangers on the Beach by Josh Pahigian.
I am about 50 pages in so far and it is...hmmm...a bit strange. But we will see.
Now, if I had looked it up on Amazon and saw the eleven 5 stars reviews, every review there a 5 star review, the warning bells would have gone off. Yes, 11 reviews by people who have never written a review before.  Josh says, "Thanks Mom, Uncle Joe and Sis!"
Writers, if all your friends are going to write reviews, really, someone has to only give it 4 stars.


  1. "Evil ebooks" - yes I can relate - so so easy to buy! Always tempting me ...
    One of my reading habits:

  2. I find it very heartwarming that you have embraced your e-reader! Although it was fun all those years I razzed you about it. See, with e-readers you can hoard! Instant gratification too. So glad you liked Beautiful Ruins, and I can't wait to hear what you think!

  3. LOL about "evil e-books" - oh yes, I know about those. That's what I love about my e-reader - I can hoard books like Sandy mentioned and nobody cares, plus I want it - I buy it instantly. No ordering online and waiting for the book to get here or finding time to run to the store. I want it, I get it. Of course that doesn't mean I read it any sooner. LOL

    1. yes, that is the problem. I read about a book, get all excited, buy it..and then it sits there so long I forget why I bought it.

      at least these two I read right away.

  4. i am in the middle of a terrific eBook ... The Leopard written by jō Nesbo translated by Don Bartlett .. its the second book featuring Harry Hole ...

  5. Oh, yes, I've fallen under the spell of the ease of downloading onto Sparky, my Kindle. In the beginning, I went nuts. Now I'm doing better. And I try to check those reviews!

    The three-liners that rave about the book without giving any reasons why it's great...definitely friends and


  6. I'm hooked on my e-reader. :-)

    And I've got Beautiful Ruins on it, just haven't gotten to it yet. I might have to make more effort to read it.

  7. It sounds like you and your e-reader are getting along swimmingly well! I still haven't embraced mine. I haven't caught up on reviews either.

  8. I'm with you - 11 5* reviews? Who are they trying to kid? Puhleeze! Even the best books out there get a 3 or 4 star on occasion. Beautiful Ruins sounds interesting though.

  9. I think I need to look into this Zite app. And all those 5 star reviews is a big warning sign!

  10. i have read a few of those evil e-books too:)

  11. I love e-books, and yes, it's hard to say no.

  12. "11 reviews by people who have never written a review before" LOL That's the system I use to ignore the 5 star reviews! I got a Nexus Table for Christmas and put the e-reader apps on it but I'm still not comfortable with it yet. Which is probably a good thing as it does seem way too easy to buy books that way.


please speak up, I LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!!