
Monday, December 31, 2012

Musing Monday...Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Well, last Monday of the year, but unlike last week we have a Musing Monday question up, from the desk of MizB at Should Be Reading. Actually, it is several question and we get to pick the one we want. Well, I am going to pick two..
  • Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s). 
  •  Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
It seems that many folks on the World Wide Web are making end of the year lists and the Bookish Blogland is no difference.
Favorite books, most hated books, etc..
I don't really do lists, but that does not stop me from reading them. Add in the ability to buy a book instantly with this crazy internet thing and e-books and I got me a book!
Because you know, I am in desperate need of more books to read.

Still, for a really great book I will take the plunge.
This one I read about on Sandy's blog at You've Gotta Read This, in her Best Fiction of 2012. It is called Beautiful Ruins and it is by Jess Walters. Sounded like a winner.
But though I downloaded it days ago, and started reading it right away and I am liking it very much, I have only read about 1/3 of the book so far.
I blame work...and the holiday season, but most of all I blame the fact that it is an e-book.
Out of sight, out of mind.

If you have been reading here long enough you may remember my love/hate relationship with e-books. I love that you can have hundreds of books on your device, your one little device.
I love that you can download a book in a few seconds.
I hate that you can have hundreds of books on your little device and that you can download one in a few seconds.

OK, this one is an exception. I know that I will like this book. I am liking it a lot so far. But, at times I am swayed by a great review and download a little too fast, without considering if it is something I will really like. And then there is the major issue for me with these devices and their little e-books.
Out of sight, out of mind.
I buy a book and there it sits on my device, forgotten.
If it is not a 'real' book, sitting on my bedside table, sitting by my recliner in the family room, there is a good chance I will forget about it in favor of the ones in those actual physical piles.
And because with my e-book devices cover closed I can't hear the waiting books calling out to me like I can from the ones sitting in their little piles....
"Read me, please read me!!"


  1. Even though I am no longer an "official" blogger, your Monday Musing post always draws me in. This is where lists come in handy. I know, I know, you're not a listmaker. I on the other hand, love lists so keeping a list of what's on my kindle is a life saver. How else would I know what's on there? Scrolling through the endless pages of books gets tedious but just bringing up my list is easy. Have a marvelous Monday!

    1. Well, I do keep a total list of every book that goes through my hands on Library Thing..but as far as devices, like what is on my nook, or That is too much like work!

  2. So true, ebooks can be tough to put up with

  3. I'm almost exclusively an e-reader now. I haven't purchased a physical book in over a year (except for gifts). But I agree, it's too easy to load up on books!

  4. Oh, I am so glad you got that book! It is freaking amazing. And give it a little more time. It will not be out of mind for long. Jess Walter is an incredible author.

  5. Booking Mama sent me that book and I need to make time to read it. My reading has become almost nonexistent since we've had company over the holidays.

  6. Like like you I suffer with Out of sight out of mind with many books on my Kindle. I've made a collection called " must read soon" but it's not helping much... here's my MM:

  7. funny i always find time to read via the Nook app on my iPad ... what i slack off on are blog visits, Words with Friends and Draw Something ... i would rather be reading

    Happy New Year

  8. LOL - I have a ton of books on my e-reader that I haven't read yet...but when I was reading physical books...I had a ton of books in boxes that I never got around to reading. So, it's pretty much the same premise for me whether it's e-books or physical. I love my e-readers though and I'm mainly only reading on that these days.

    Happy New Year!

  9. I definitely understand the whole out of sight, out of mind thing with ebooks. I use the collections feature and put books into various collections and check each collection often to sort of jog my memory and help me prioritize.
    Thanks for stopping by my Musing Mondays! happy new year.

  10. i too understand the out of sight, out of mind thing..both with ebooks and regular books in my case.. if it is right on the bedstand, it might get read, but if the regular book goes away from there.. then .....
    for ebooks, if i download a whole lot then the earlier books go down the list on the ereader and do tend to be forgotten for a while..
    Thanks for stopping by..
    Happy new Year

  11. But you never really forget the ones you REALLY want to read!


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