Yes, I know I am very late...it is barely still Tuesday. But I had to work and I was out of the house at 5:15 a.m. and just got home...well, I did go out to dinner. But better late than never or all good things are worth waiting for..or some such thing.
So, without further ado...This week's question from Wendi's Book Corner...
Questions (yes - there are a bunch - answer one or two . . . or all of them!):What is your least-favorite book(s)? Is your least-favorite book listed in your LT library? If it is listed, do you have anything special in the tags or comments section? How have others rated your least-favorite book?
So, let's see...my least favorite books. Well, three come to mind. One, I read long ago. Yes, long ago when the dinosaurs roamed the earth and I was in high school. It is one you will all no doubt recognize, Ulysses, by James Joyce. Now one could argue that maybe I was too young, that I did not appreciate it. Maybe I am not clever enough to 'get it'. Maybe all true but still, Poppycock, say I. Which is what I think the book is, vain, contrived, poppycock. Hmmm...that sounds harsh. Well, Joyce is dead, so he will never know. But many of his loyal, loyal fans might stone me to death or something, fittingly on Bloomsday...so I only have until June 16 I think to live.
The average rating on Library Thing is very high, 4.14...I think half of them at least are faking it and never read the book.
Now a recent book I hated was Arsenic Soup For Lovers: When Chicken Soup Doesn't Work by Georgia Z. Post. It was a self published, which the now wiser Caite has found out is often a very big red flag. Big red flag waving in my face saying,don't bother reading me, beacuse most likely, I am a waste of your book reading time. It is a book of story stories which are suppose to be amusing, touching...And I found not funny and often quite creepy. I gave it 1.5 stars on LT...only because it is not so much badly written as just bad, but the average on LT is 3.05, so not great but not as bad as my opinion.
But the last one, the one that just shouted it's name to me when I read this question was Isle of Dogs by Patricia Cornwell. Awful. So poorly written, actually sentences that did not make sense, plot lines that just ended, terrible characters...and that was only from reading about 1/4 of the book. I could not in any way finish it.
I think the reason I hated it so much was not only because not only was it bad, but I know that Cornwell is capable of writing very good books. Her early Scarpetta books were very good. It is almost hard to believe the same person wrote this one and impossible to believe that an editor actually looked at it. I don't own a copy of it now but if I did I would give it half a star maybe...the average on LT is 2.47. There is one 3 star review that threw the one and half star ratings off, but it is in Italian si I have no idea how they justify 3 stars. Did they read it in Italian and maybe that improved it somehow...or maybe they don't speak English and just like the cover..or maybe they thought they were reviewing a different book? Yes...that is the best explanation!
When I take over the world (see Monday's post if you don't know about that plan of mine) that reviewer is NOT getting a nice, funny, pointy hat! Maybe a small dull looking cap.
Is it still Tuesday?...yes, if I wrap this up.
Yes, that is a beer he is holding, but I am assured by The Niece, that the bottle was empty. Yes, I see it is in the picture...but wait, who drank it? Because I will tell you, Bandit actually has a taste for alcohol and if you have a drink and leave it unprotected for a minute...well, you may have less than you thought when he gets through.